Contact Information
Email: pieters.econ@gmail Twitter: @ProfPieters Bluesky: Last Updated: January 15, 2025 |
Research Interests:
▪ Digital Money, Digital Assets, Digital Payments, and Crypto ▪ International Macroeconomics and Trade ▪ Pedagogy in Economics |
Download: Comprehensive CV
Background (Education/positions/roles)
Ph.D. & MA. Economics. University of Minnesota
B.A. Economics (Highest Honors). University of California, Santa Cruz
B.S. Physics. University of California, Santa Cruz
Current Position
2023-Present: Founder & Principal Economist, Digital Economy Consulting.
2018-Present: Research Fellow, Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK
Selected Other Positions/Roles (Volunteer, Part-time, or Past)
2023-Present: Committee Member & Newsletter Oversight Editor, American Economic Association - Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession
2022-Present: Co-chair: Cambridge Digital Assets Programme - Emergent Money Systems, Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK
2017-Present: Research Associate, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute, FRB Dallas
2018-2024: Member, Board of Directors (3x2 yr. terms), International Trade and Finance Association
2018-2024: Assistant Instructional Professor, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
2022-2023: Associate Fellow (Pedagogy), Chicago Center for Teaching & Learning, The University of Chicago
2012-2018: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas
2016, 06-12: Visitor, FRB Dallas
2009-2012: Visitor, FRB Minneapolis
2007-2012: Various Teaching positions, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota
Ph.D. & MA. Economics. University of Minnesota
B.A. Economics (Highest Honors). University of California, Santa Cruz
B.S. Physics. University of California, Santa Cruz
Current Position
2023-Present: Founder & Principal Economist, Digital Economy Consulting.
2018-Present: Research Fellow, Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK
Selected Other Positions/Roles (Volunteer, Part-time, or Past)
2023-Present: Committee Member & Newsletter Oversight Editor, American Economic Association - Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession
2022-Present: Co-chair: Cambridge Digital Assets Programme - Emergent Money Systems, Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK
2017-Present: Research Associate, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute, FRB Dallas
2018-2024: Member, Board of Directors (3x2 yr. terms), International Trade and Finance Association
2018-2024: Assistant Instructional Professor, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
2022-2023: Associate Fellow (Pedagogy), Chicago Center for Teaching & Learning, The University of Chicago
2012-2018: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas
2016, 06-12: Visitor, FRB Dallas
2009-2012: Visitor, FRB Minneapolis
2007-2012: Various Teaching positions, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota
Academic research, Honors, or funding
Google Scholar Profile
See Research page for pre-print versions of papers or links to journals
Unpublished Papers (Work-In-Progress or Sleeping)
Cryptoasset Markets and/or Blockchain-enabled Decentralization
Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Other Academic Publications, Reviewed Notes
Funded and/or Competitive Selection Professional Development Workshops
2023: EnCOREage Workshop, Center for the Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University
2022: Pedagogy Fellow, Chicago Center of Teaching
2019: Wharton Cryptogovernance Workshop, San Francisco
2017: Liberty and the War on Cash, sponsored by Liberty Fund, San Antonio
2015: CeMENT Mentoring for Junior Faculty at Liberal Arts, sponsored by CSWEP (Committee on the Status of Women in Economics Profession), New Orleans
Research Honors, Awards, and Recognition
2016: Awarded Trinity University Junior Faculty Sabbatical Leave
2014: Invited and funded attendee to Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute’s, “Developing the Next Generation of Economic Models of Climate Change”
2012-15: R.R. Witt Faculty Fellowship, Trinity University
2010,11: Travel Grant, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota
2009: Second Place, Hardy Third Year Paper Competition for "Learning about Growth", joint with
Andy Glover, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota
2009: Graduate Research Partnership Program Fellowship, University of Minnesota
2006: Graduate School Fellowship, University of Minnesota
See Research page for pre-print versions of papers or links to journals
Unpublished Papers (Work-In-Progress or Sleeping)
Cryptoasset Markets and/or Blockchain-enabled Decentralization
- “Bitcoin Reveals Exchange Rate Manipulation and Detects Capital Controls”. Media Coverage: The Telegraph, Finance Magnates, Bitcoin News, Breaker Mag
- “Seeking Teachers? Composition Changes in USA Academic Economics Departments”. Co-authored with Christopher J. Roark
- “A Guide to the U.S. Academic Economics Job Market for Teaching-Focused Jobs”. Co-authored with Melanie Fox, Ben Harrell, Nakul Kamur, Dan Lee, & Allison Luedtke.
Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Articles
- “Blockchain Governance in the Wild.” Co-authored with Kevin Werbach, Primavera De Filippi, and Josh Tan, Cryptoeconomic Systems, vol 3, no 1, April 22, 2024
- “Designing Effective Assessments in Economics Courses: Guiding Principles”, The Journal of Economic Education, 55:1, 63-76, 2024
- “Taxing Blockchain Forks” joint with Mattia Landoni, Stanford Journal of Law and Blockchain Economics, June 27, 2020
- “Financial Regulations and Price Inconsistencies across Bitcoin Markets” with Sofia Vivanco (undergraduate student), Information Economics and Policy, June 2017, v.39(C)
Book Chapters
- “Digital Currencies and Central Banks”, (Chapter 6), The Palgrave Handbook of Technological Finance, October 2021
- "Private and Hybrid Blockchains and Applications" (Chapter 7), with Sean Stein Smith, The Emerald Handbook of Blockchain for Business, 2021, Chapter 6, pp. 83-98
Other Academic Publications, Reviewed Notes
- “3rd Global Cryptoasset Benchmarking Study”, co-authored with A. Blandin, Y. Wu, T. Eisermann, A. Dek, S. Taylor, and Damaris Njoki. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, September 2020.
- “2nd Global Cryptoasset Benchmarking Study”, co-authored with Michel Rauchs, Appoline Blandine, Kristina Klein, Martino Recanatini, and Bryan Zheng Zhang, Cambridge: University of Cambridge, Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, December 2018. Media Coverage: Bloomberg
- “Distributed Ledger Technology Systems: A Conceptual Framework”, with Michel Rauchs, Andrew Glidden, Brian Gordon, Martino Recanatini, François Rostand, Kathryn Vagneur, and Bryan Zheng Zhang. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, August 2018. Media Coverage: The Register, Crowdfund Insider
- “The Potential Impact of Decentralized Virtual Currency on Monetary Policy”, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute 2016 Annual Research Report , April 2017, pp. 20-25
- “Blockchain Technology Disrupting Traditional Records Systems”, with Christoffer Koch, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Financial Insight, July 2017, v.6(2), pp.1-3
Funded and/or Competitive Selection Professional Development Workshops
2023: EnCOREage Workshop, Center for the Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University
2022: Pedagogy Fellow, Chicago Center of Teaching
2019: Wharton Cryptogovernance Workshop, San Francisco
2017: Liberty and the War on Cash, sponsored by Liberty Fund, San Antonio
2015: CeMENT Mentoring for Junior Faculty at Liberal Arts, sponsored by CSWEP (Committee on the Status of Women in Economics Profession), New Orleans
Research Honors, Awards, and Recognition
2016: Awarded Trinity University Junior Faculty Sabbatical Leave
2014: Invited and funded attendee to Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute’s, “Developing the Next Generation of Economic Models of Climate Change”
2012-15: R.R. Witt Faculty Fellowship, Trinity University
2010,11: Travel Grant, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota
2009: Second Place, Hardy Third Year Paper Competition for "Learning about Growth", joint with
Andy Glover, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota
2009: Graduate Research Partnership Program Fellowship, University of Minnesota
2006: Graduate School Fellowship, University of Minnesota
academic conference or seminar presentations
Cryptoasset Markets and Blockchain-enabled Decentralization
Cryptocurrencies, Stablecoins, and Central Bank Digital Currency, Session Panelist
Economics Pedagogy and Teaching Practices
“Relevance, Belonging, and Growth in Economic Education” (discussant)
Cryptocurrencies, Stablecoins, and Central Bank Digital Currency, Session Panelist
- 2020: Southern Economic Association (Online)
- 2019: American Economic Association (Atlanta Meeting) ▪ Texas State University
- 2019: FRB Atlanta: Workshop on Financial Stability Implications of New Technology ▪ Western Economic Association (Vancouver, Canada) ▪
- 2018: International Trade and Finance Association (Beijing, China) ▪ American Economic Association (Philadelphia)
- 2019: Lafayette College
- 2018: De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) ▪ Royal Economic Society Conference (University of Sussex, UK) ▪ Hobart and William Smith Colleges
- 2017: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas ▪ Midwest Macroeconomics Meeting (Fall, Louisiana State University) ▪ The 49th Money, Macro and Finance Conference (Kings College, London) ▪ Liberal Arts Macroeconomics Workshop (Davidson College) ▪ Western Economic Association (San Diego)
- 2017: Midwest Macroeconomics Meeting (Spring, University of Pittsburgh)
- 2016: Western Economic Association (Portland) ▪ Society for Economic Measurement (MIT) ▪ Eastern Economic Association (Washington D.C.) ▪ International Trade and Finance Association (Occidental College)
- 2015: Southern Economic Association (New Orleans)
Economics Pedagogy and Teaching Practices
“Relevance, Belonging, and Growth in Economic Education” (discussant)
- 2025: American Economic Association (San Francisco) [Session by AEA – Committee on Economic Education]
- 2024: The University of Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning
- 2023: AEA Conference on Teaching and Research in Economics Education (Portland)
- 2023: The University of Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning
- 2023: American Economic Association (New Orleans) [AEA-Committee on Economic Education Session]
- 2022: Southern Economic Association (Fort Lauderdale) [Presidential Session]
- 2022: American Economics Association (Boston)
- 2021: TeachECONference 2021
- 2021: The University of Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning
- 2021: Southern Economic Conference (Houston)
- 2021: Robert Morris University 32nd Annual Teaching Economics Conference
- 2020: Troy University Teaching Symposium in Economics (cancelled due to COVID)
- 2021: AEA Conference on Teaching and Research in Economic Education
- 2019, The University of Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning
- 2019, The University of Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning
Teaching, Advising, & Mentoring
Instructor of Record Teaching Experience
2024: The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (Occasional Adjunct Basis)
Standard Courses (9- 10 week courses, offered either entirely In-person or entirely online)
Intensive Courses (5-week courses)
Co-taught Courses
2012-2018: Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas (6 courses/year, 8-35 students, No TAs or Graders)
2007-2012: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota (3 courses/year)
2009-2012, Large Lecture Instructor (150-400 students, 2-9 TAs)
2. 2008, Instructor, Intermediate Macroeconomics (Calculus-based), (15-40 students, 0-1 TAs)3.
3. 2007-2008, Teaching Assistant, Principles of Microeconomics and Principles of Macroeconomics
Institutional Student-Research Advising Experience
2018-2024: ▪ The University of Chicago: ▪ Advising Economics MA students (3-6 Masters students/year, Masters-level thesis required. Placements include UCLA, NYU, and HKU Ph.D. programs. ▪ Advising Undergraduate Honors Thesis (0-1 students/year)
2012-2018: ▪ Trinity University: ▪ Advising undergraduate students thesis or research papers, economics or economic-adjacent. (0-2 students/year)
Notable Supervised Undergraduate Research Outcomes:
2019: D. Gale Johnson award for undergraduate honors thesis (“A Nation of Makers: Endogenous Innovation in Makerspaces” by Won Woo Kim).
2014: 3x acceptance Economics Scholar Program (Presentation and Poster sessions), 1x Southwest Social Science Association (Presentation)
In-Discipline Mentoring
2019 – Present: Faculty Advisor, University of Chicago Undergraduate Women in Economics RSO
2019-2020: ▪ Research in Color Foundation: Undergraduate research mentor for underrepresented students in Economics (1 student, research poster presentation required)
2019-2020: ▪ Presenter: The University of Chicago College Day Lecture for Chicago Public High School “Bridge to College” program
2018-2020: ▪ Mentor: CSWEP Breakfast for Early Career Economists
2012-2018: ▪ Trinity University: Advising undergraduate International Economics or General Economics majors (4-8 students/semester) ▪ General Advising of Undeclared-major students (1st years until major declaration: 7-10 students/semester)
Teaching Honors and Awards*
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2011: Walter W. Heller Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts
2010: Walter W. Heller Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts
2008-2012: Distinguished Instructor, awarded 8 times
2008: Distinguished Teaching Assistant
*Not eligible for teaching awards at Trinity University or The University of Chicago.
2024: The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (Occasional Adjunct Basis)
- Macroeconomics
Standard Courses (9- 10 week courses, offered either entirely In-person or entirely online)
- Principles of Macroeconomics (Econ 10200; No calculus or other pre-requisites)
- International Monetary Systems (Econ 17110; Prerequisite: Principles of Macro, writing-intensive)
- The Elements of Economic Analysis I (Econ 20000; Intermediate Micro: Calc-based Consumer Theory)
- The Elements of Economic Analysis II (Econ 20100; Intermediate Micro: Calc-based Producer Theory)
- The Elements of Economic Analysis III (Econ 20200; Intermediate Macro: DGE + Beginning MATLAB programming)
- Economic Policy Analysis (Econ 23950; Intermediate Macro: Calculus and MATLAB-based, writing intensive)
Intensive Courses (5-week courses)
- Cryptoasset Markets (Financial Mathematics Department, FINM 31000)
- The Elements of Economic Analysis II (Econ 20100; Calc-based Producer Theory Intermediate Micro)
- Economic Policy Analysis (Econ 23950; Calculus and MATLAB-based, writing intensive)
Co-taught Courses
- MA-Thesis Development Workshop (macroeconomics and finance specialization)
- Pathways in Economics, Non-calculus (Econ 12410; High School Summer Program)
- Pathways in Economics, Calculus-based (Econ 12411; High School Summer Program)
- A Survey of Chicago Economics (Econ 12412; Specialized Summer Survey Program)
2012-2018: Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas (6 courses/year, 8-35 students, No TAs or Graders)
- Principles of Microeconomics (No calculus or other pre-requisites)
- Principles of Macroeconomics (No calculus, Micro-principles pre-requisite)
- International Trade (No calc, Micro-principles pre-requisite, writing-intensive: 15 pg. research paper)
- International Monetary Systems (No calc., Micro-principles pre-requisite, writing-intensive: 15 pg.)
2007-2012: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota (3 courses/year)
- Principles of Macroeconomics:
2009-2012, Large Lecture Instructor (150-400 students, 2-9 TAs)
2. 2008, Instructor, Intermediate Macroeconomics (Calculus-based), (15-40 students, 0-1 TAs)3.
3. 2007-2008, Teaching Assistant, Principles of Microeconomics and Principles of Macroeconomics
Institutional Student-Research Advising Experience
2018-2024: ▪ The University of Chicago: ▪ Advising Economics MA students (3-6 Masters students/year, Masters-level thesis required. Placements include UCLA, NYU, and HKU Ph.D. programs. ▪ Advising Undergraduate Honors Thesis (0-1 students/year)
2012-2018: ▪ Trinity University: ▪ Advising undergraduate students thesis or research papers, economics or economic-adjacent. (0-2 students/year)
Notable Supervised Undergraduate Research Outcomes:
2019: D. Gale Johnson award for undergraduate honors thesis (“A Nation of Makers: Endogenous Innovation in Makerspaces” by Won Woo Kim).
2014: 3x acceptance Economics Scholar Program (Presentation and Poster sessions), 1x Southwest Social Science Association (Presentation)
In-Discipline Mentoring
2019 – Present: Faculty Advisor, University of Chicago Undergraduate Women in Economics RSO
2019-2020: ▪ Research in Color Foundation: Undergraduate research mentor for underrepresented students in Economics (1 student, research poster presentation required)
2019-2020: ▪ Presenter: The University of Chicago College Day Lecture for Chicago Public High School “Bridge to College” program
2018-2020: ▪ Mentor: CSWEP Breakfast for Early Career Economists
2012-2018: ▪ Trinity University: Advising undergraduate International Economics or General Economics majors (4-8 students/semester) ▪ General Advising of Undeclared-major students (1st years until major declaration: 7-10 students/semester)
Teaching Honors and Awards*
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2011: Walter W. Heller Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts
2010: Walter W. Heller Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts
2008-2012: Distinguished Instructor, awarded 8 times
2008: Distinguished Teaching Assistant
*Not eligible for teaching awards at Trinity University or The University of Chicago.
Service to the discipline
Editor, Selection Committee Member, or Session Organizer for Conferences and Journals
2024: ▪ Conference Selection Committee member: The Crypto Asset Lab Conference – Investments, Economics, and Regulation for Bitcoin and Crypto-Assets, (Hosted by: University of Milano-Bicocca, joint with DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission)
2023: ▪ Conference Selection Committee member: 3 x AEA 2024 CSWEP Sessions ▪ Conference Selection Committee member: Tokenomics: International Conference on Blockchain Economics, Security, and Protocol (Hosted by: Columbia University)
2022: ▪ Co-Editor: Special Edition of the Eastern Economics Journal: “The Economics of Cryptoassets”
2021: ▪ Conference Selection Committee member: The Crypto Asset Lab Conference – Investments, Economics, and Regulation for Bitcoin and Crypto-Assets, (Hosted by: University of Milano-Bicocca, joint with DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission)
2019: ▪ Conference Selection Committee member: Tokenomics: International Conference on Blockchain Economics, Security, and Protocol (Hosted by: Ecole Normale Supérieure) ▪ Conference Selection Committee member: International Trade and Finance Association Annual conference (Hosted by: Università di Pisa) ▪ Panel Organizer: DEconomy Panel on Central Bank Digital Currencies
2018: ▪ Session Organizer: International Banking Economics and Finance Association Cryptocurrency sessions (x2) at Western Economic Association meeting (Vancouver, Canada)
Referee/Reviewer Service
▪ British Journal of Management ▪ Computational Economics ▪ Czech Science Foundation▪ Eastern Economic Journal ▪ Economics Bulletin ▪ Economic Theory ▪ European Accounting Review ▪ European Journal of Finance ▪ Frontiers in Blockchain Research ▪ Global Financial Journal ▪ Information Economics and Policy ▪ International Review of Economics Education ▪Journal of Economic Insight ▪ Journal of International Economics ▪ Journal of International Money and Finance ▪ Sage Open ▪ Swiss National Science Foundation ▪ Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
Textbook Reviewer
2024: ▪ Conference Selection Committee member: The Crypto Asset Lab Conference – Investments, Economics, and Regulation for Bitcoin and Crypto-Assets, (Hosted by: University of Milano-Bicocca, joint with DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission)
2023: ▪ Conference Selection Committee member: 3 x AEA 2024 CSWEP Sessions ▪ Conference Selection Committee member: Tokenomics: International Conference on Blockchain Economics, Security, and Protocol (Hosted by: Columbia University)
2022: ▪ Co-Editor: Special Edition of the Eastern Economics Journal: “The Economics of Cryptoassets”
2021: ▪ Conference Selection Committee member: The Crypto Asset Lab Conference – Investments, Economics, and Regulation for Bitcoin and Crypto-Assets, (Hosted by: University of Milano-Bicocca, joint with DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission)
2019: ▪ Conference Selection Committee member: Tokenomics: International Conference on Blockchain Economics, Security, and Protocol (Hosted by: Ecole Normale Supérieure) ▪ Conference Selection Committee member: International Trade and Finance Association Annual conference (Hosted by: Università di Pisa) ▪ Panel Organizer: DEconomy Panel on Central Bank Digital Currencies
2018: ▪ Session Organizer: International Banking Economics and Finance Association Cryptocurrency sessions (x2) at Western Economic Association meeting (Vancouver, Canada)
Referee/Reviewer Service
▪ British Journal of Management ▪ Computational Economics ▪ Czech Science Foundation▪ Eastern Economic Journal ▪ Economics Bulletin ▪ Economic Theory ▪ European Accounting Review ▪ European Journal of Finance ▪ Frontiers in Blockchain Research ▪ Global Financial Journal ▪ Information Economics and Policy ▪ International Review of Economics Education ▪Journal of Economic Insight ▪ Journal of International Economics ▪ Journal of International Money and Finance ▪ Sage Open ▪ Swiss National Science Foundation ▪ Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
Textbook Reviewer
- Sachs, Jeffery and Gordon McCord, 2009: Principles of Economics and Global Sustainable Development, Addison-Wesley: Boston (Prospectus Review)
- Cowen, Tyler and Alex Tabarrok, 2009: Modern Principles of Economics, Worth Publishers: New York
- Williamson, Stephen, 2009: Macroeconomics, 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley: Boston (Pre-revision review)
service to Public (Guest speaker or media)
Topical Presentations or Panel Member for a non-academic/policymaker audience
2023: ▪ DFW Association for Business Economics (online) ▪ R3 CordaDay (New York City)
2021: ▪ Chicago Financial Forum ▪ Wharton Crypto-Governance Group (online)
2020: ▪ Chicago Financial Exchange (online)
2019: ▪ DEconomy (Seoul, South Korea) ▪ Chicago University Blockchain Symposium (Northwestern University) ▪
2018: ▪ Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Education Sessions at Geekdom (San Antonio) ▪ University of Cambridge, Centre for Alternative Finance Launch of Global Cryptoasset Reports (hosted by CME Group, Chicago) ▪ National Association for Business Economics (NABE) - Dallas Chapter ▪ San Antonio Texas A&M Club ▪ FinTech DC (IMF, Washington DC)
2017: ▪ San Antonio Business and Economics Society Luncheon Speaker (SABES)
2015: Faculty Research Presentation for Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity, Trinity University
Invited Guest Speaker in a University Class
2021: ▪ The Ohio State University, Principles of Macroeconomics
2020: ▪ The University of Chicago, LAWS 42505: Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies ▪ The University of Chicago, Econ 13000: Money and Banking ▪ Pitzer College, Economics Senior Seminar
2019: ▪ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Finance 490: Fintech: ▪ Pitzer College, Economics Senior Seminar ▪ The University of Chicago, Econ 13000: Money and Banking ▪ The University of Chicago, Econ 23040 ▪ The University of Chicago, Cryptocurrencies ▪ The University of Chicago, MPSC 56600: Intro to Blockchain (MPSC=MA Program in Computer Science)
2018: ▪ The University of Chicago, Research Experience for Undergraduates (Economics Department)
Media Interview: Audio (Radio or Podcast)
Media Interview: Written or Quoted
Opinion Pieces
2023: ▪ DFW Association for Business Economics (online) ▪ R3 CordaDay (New York City)
2021: ▪ Chicago Financial Forum ▪ Wharton Crypto-Governance Group (online)
2020: ▪ Chicago Financial Exchange (online)
2019: ▪ DEconomy (Seoul, South Korea) ▪ Chicago University Blockchain Symposium (Northwestern University) ▪
2018: ▪ Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Education Sessions at Geekdom (San Antonio) ▪ University of Cambridge, Centre for Alternative Finance Launch of Global Cryptoasset Reports (hosted by CME Group, Chicago) ▪ National Association for Business Economics (NABE) - Dallas Chapter ▪ San Antonio Texas A&M Club ▪ FinTech DC (IMF, Washington DC)
2017: ▪ San Antonio Business and Economics Society Luncheon Speaker (SABES)
2015: Faculty Research Presentation for Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity, Trinity University
Invited Guest Speaker in a University Class
2021: ▪ The Ohio State University, Principles of Macroeconomics
2020: ▪ The University of Chicago, LAWS 42505: Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies ▪ The University of Chicago, Econ 13000: Money and Banking ▪ Pitzer College, Economics Senior Seminar
2019: ▪ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Finance 490: Fintech: ▪ Pitzer College, Economics Senior Seminar ▪ The University of Chicago, Econ 13000: Money and Banking ▪ The University of Chicago, Econ 23040 ▪ The University of Chicago, Cryptocurrencies ▪ The University of Chicago, MPSC 56600: Intro to Blockchain (MPSC=MA Program in Computer Science)
2018: ▪ The University of Chicago, Research Experience for Undergraduates (Economics Department)
Media Interview: Audio (Radio or Podcast)
- BBC: Outside Source, “The current crash in the crypto markets”, (June 13, 2022)
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Tai Asks Why, “What will money look like in the future?” (April 27, 2022)
- BBC Business Daily Podcast, Why does Bitcoin consume so much energy? (Feb 26, 2021)
- Made in Tech, Vibrant cryptocurrency growth has excited many. Can Regulation spoil it? (Feb 12, 2021)
- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC): The Digital Human, Oops! (Feb 24, 2020)
- WBEZ Chicago - Worldview: What is Blockchain Technology and Why Should We Care? (July 30, 2018)
- Scholars’ Circle Radio Show, Cryptocurrency, Insights from Scholars (April 15, 2018)
- Texas Public Radio (TPR) The Source, Cash, Credit, Cryptocurrency: How Do You Choose to Pay? (panel member on a call-in show, Jan. 2, 2018)
- National Public Radio (NPR) Marketplace: Why pay a ransom in bitcoin? (May 15, 2017)
- NPR Marketplace Tech: The rise of cryptocurrencies (June 22, 2017)
Media Interview: Written or Quoted
- BBC News: Is the USA trying to kill crypto? (15 June, 2023)
- Global Finance: Central Bank Digital Currencies at a Crossroads (6 February, 2023)
- Chicago Tribune: FTX collapse shakes up Chicago crypto market (5 December, 2022)
- CoinDesk: Crypto Goes to College (29 September, 2022)
- BBC News: Will the US crack down on cryptocurrency? (9 March, 2022)
- Cointelegraph Magazine: “Crypto as a 'public good' in the 22nd Century” (22 October 2021)
- Cointelegraph Magazine: Is the cryptocurrency epicenter moving away from East Asia? (10 August, 2021)
- Cointelegraph: Terrorists still raise money through crypto, but the impact is limited (9 April, 2021)
- BBC Science: How Bitcoin's vast energy use could burst its bubble (27 February, 2021)
- Cointelegraph: Happy Birthday Dear Bitcoin: Crypto's first white paper turns 12 (October, 2020)
- Nikkei: Digital currency collaborative research, interviews with American experts (January 22, 2020)
- The Block: Mad Crypto: Hypothesizing bitcoin in a downcycle (August 7, 2019)
- Breaker Mag: Economists Are Missing a Trick With Crypto (April 15, 2019)
- The Street: How Fidelity Is Normalizing Bitcoin (August 10, 2017)
- Experian: What is Bitcoin and should you buy it? (September 12, 2017)
Opinion Pieces
- CSWEP News: The Job Market for Non-Tenure Track Academic Economists (Issue II, 2022), coauthored with Dr. Chris Roark
- CoinDesk: What is a Cryptocurrency? We Need Clearer Definitions (December 31, 2019)
service to the university
The University of Chicago
2023 – 2024: ▪ Committee Chair: Econ MA Thesis (3 papers) ▪ Committee Member: Econ MA Thesis (1 papers) ▪ Faculty Advisor: Blockchain Chicago RSO ▪ Faculty Advisor: Undergraduate Women in Economics RSO ▪ Letters of Recommendation, (13 students, most with multiple letters) ▪ Mentor: Professional Development Lunch for Female PhD Students, Post Docs, Senior Research Associates and Faculty ▪ Organizer: Oversaw Undergraduate and MA department TA and Grader hiring ▪ Organizer: Fall Macro MA Thesis Workshop ▪ Reviewer: MAPSS-Econ applications (79 applications) ▪ Preceptor-Advisor: ECON MA students (6 advisees) ▪ MA Thesis Advisor: (4 advisees)
2022-2023: ▪ Associate Fellow: Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning ▪ Committee Member: Ad-Hoc Committee on Exam Accommodation for Students with Disabilities ▪ Committee Member: Econ MA Thesis (3 papers) ▪ Committee Member: Public Policy Undergraduate Thesis (1 paper) ▪ Faculty Advisor: Blockchain Chicago RSO ▪ Faculty Advisor: Undergraduate Women in Economics RSO ▪ Letters of Recommendation, (22 students, most with multiple letters) ▪ Mentor: Professional Development Lunch for Female PhD Students, Post Docs, Senior Research Associates and Faculty ▪ Organizer: Oversaw Undergraduate and MA department TA and Grader hiring ▪ Organizer: Fall Macro MA Thesis Workshop ▪ Reviewer: MAPSS-Econ applications (43 applications) ▪ Preceptor-Advisor: ECON MA students (5 advisees)
2021-2022: ▪ Committee Chair: Econ MA Thesis (6 papers) ▪ Committee Member: Econ MA Thesis (4 papers) ▪ Faculty Advisor: Blockchain Chicago RSO ▪ Faculty Advisor: Undergraduate Women in Economics RSO ▪ Feedback: MAPSS MA Thesis proposal presentations ▪ Grader: Undergraduate Economics Placement Exam ▪ Letters of Recommendation, (9 students, some with multiple letters) ▪ Organizer: Oversaw all Undergraduate and MA department TA and Grader hiring ▪ Mentor: Professional Development Lunch for Female PhD Students, Post Docs, Senior Research Associates and Faculty ▪ Reviewer: MAPSS-Econ applications (37 applications) ▪ Organizer: Fall Macro MA Thesis Workshop ▪ Preceptor-Advisor: ECON MA students (5 advisees)
2020-2021: ▪ Faculty Advisor: Undergraduate Women in Economics RSO ▪ Feedback: MAPSS MA Thesis proposal presentations ▪ Grader: Undergraduate Economics Placement Exam ▪ Judge: Oeconomica Metrics Game ▪ Letters of Recommendation, (14 students, some with multiple letters) ▪ Mentor: Professional Development Lunch for Female PhD Students, Post Docs, Senior Research Associates and Faculty ▪ Organizer: Oversaw all Undergraduate and MA department TA and Grader hiring ▪ Preceptor-Advisor: ECON MA students (5 advisees) ▪ Reviewer: MAPSS-Econ applications (41 applications) ▪ Thesis 2nd Reader: MAPSS Econ MA Thesis (2 papers)
2019-2020: ▪ Committee Member: Macroeconomics Curriculum Review ▪ Contributor: Online-teaching methods and materials documents for UChicago Economics department ▪ Faculty Advisor: Undergraduate Women in Economics RSO ▪ Grader: Undergraduate Economics Placement Exam ▪ Feedback: Mock Presentation of UChicago Fed Challenge Team ▪ Feedback: MAPSS MA Thesis proposal presentations ▪ Interviewer, on-campus: Economics Lecturer, Rank 3 (4 candidates) ▪ Judge: Oeconomica Metrics Game (cancelled) ▪ Letters of Recommendation, (13 students, some with multiple letters) ▪ Mentor: Professional Development Lunch for Female PhD Students, Post Docs, Senior Research Associates and Faculty▪ Organizer: Created and implemented a method for all department TA and Grader hiring ▪ Preceptor-Advisor: ECON MA students (4 advisees) ▪ Presenter: Fall Family Weekend: Model Class “Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain”▪ Post-address colloquium: AIMS of Education ▪ Reviewer: MAPSS-Econ applications (23 applicants) ▪ Thesis 2nd Reader: MAPSS Econ MA Thesis (5 papers) ▪ Training: How to use Gradescope for online assignments
2018-2019: ▪ Examiner: Undergraduate Economics Placement Exam ▪ Feedback: Mock Presentation of UChicago Fed Challenge Team ▪ Feedback: MAPSS MA Thesis proposal presentations ▪ Interviewer, first round: Lecturer Recruitment (Economics Dept.) ▪ Interviewer, on-campus round: Lecturer Recruitment (Economics Dept.) ▪ Judge: Oeconomica Metrics Game (first round) ▪ Letters of Recommendation, (3 students, some with multiple letters) ▪ Organizer: Summer Teaching Schedule ▪ Preceptor-Advisor: ECON MA students (6 advisees) ▪ Reviewer: MAPSS-Econ applications (36 applicants) ▪ Thesis 2nd Reader: MAPSS Econ MA Thesis (5 papers)
Trinity University (selected service)
2012-2018: ▪ Founder and Organizer of Trinity University Junior Faculty Research Workshop ▪ Junior Faculty Recruitment (Economics Dept.) ▪ University Lecturers & Visiting Scholars Committee ▪ Department Representative for various events
2023 – 2024: ▪ Committee Chair: Econ MA Thesis (3 papers) ▪ Committee Member: Econ MA Thesis (1 papers) ▪ Faculty Advisor: Blockchain Chicago RSO ▪ Faculty Advisor: Undergraduate Women in Economics RSO ▪ Letters of Recommendation, (13 students, most with multiple letters) ▪ Mentor: Professional Development Lunch for Female PhD Students, Post Docs, Senior Research Associates and Faculty ▪ Organizer: Oversaw Undergraduate and MA department TA and Grader hiring ▪ Organizer: Fall Macro MA Thesis Workshop ▪ Reviewer: MAPSS-Econ applications (79 applications) ▪ Preceptor-Advisor: ECON MA students (6 advisees) ▪ MA Thesis Advisor: (4 advisees)
2022-2023: ▪ Associate Fellow: Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning ▪ Committee Member: Ad-Hoc Committee on Exam Accommodation for Students with Disabilities ▪ Committee Member: Econ MA Thesis (3 papers) ▪ Committee Member: Public Policy Undergraduate Thesis (1 paper) ▪ Faculty Advisor: Blockchain Chicago RSO ▪ Faculty Advisor: Undergraduate Women in Economics RSO ▪ Letters of Recommendation, (22 students, most with multiple letters) ▪ Mentor: Professional Development Lunch for Female PhD Students, Post Docs, Senior Research Associates and Faculty ▪ Organizer: Oversaw Undergraduate and MA department TA and Grader hiring ▪ Organizer: Fall Macro MA Thesis Workshop ▪ Reviewer: MAPSS-Econ applications (43 applications) ▪ Preceptor-Advisor: ECON MA students (5 advisees)
2021-2022: ▪ Committee Chair: Econ MA Thesis (6 papers) ▪ Committee Member: Econ MA Thesis (4 papers) ▪ Faculty Advisor: Blockchain Chicago RSO ▪ Faculty Advisor: Undergraduate Women in Economics RSO ▪ Feedback: MAPSS MA Thesis proposal presentations ▪ Grader: Undergraduate Economics Placement Exam ▪ Letters of Recommendation, (9 students, some with multiple letters) ▪ Organizer: Oversaw all Undergraduate and MA department TA and Grader hiring ▪ Mentor: Professional Development Lunch for Female PhD Students, Post Docs, Senior Research Associates and Faculty ▪ Reviewer: MAPSS-Econ applications (37 applications) ▪ Organizer: Fall Macro MA Thesis Workshop ▪ Preceptor-Advisor: ECON MA students (5 advisees)
2020-2021: ▪ Faculty Advisor: Undergraduate Women in Economics RSO ▪ Feedback: MAPSS MA Thesis proposal presentations ▪ Grader: Undergraduate Economics Placement Exam ▪ Judge: Oeconomica Metrics Game ▪ Letters of Recommendation, (14 students, some with multiple letters) ▪ Mentor: Professional Development Lunch for Female PhD Students, Post Docs, Senior Research Associates and Faculty ▪ Organizer: Oversaw all Undergraduate and MA department TA and Grader hiring ▪ Preceptor-Advisor: ECON MA students (5 advisees) ▪ Reviewer: MAPSS-Econ applications (41 applications) ▪ Thesis 2nd Reader: MAPSS Econ MA Thesis (2 papers)
2019-2020: ▪ Committee Member: Macroeconomics Curriculum Review ▪ Contributor: Online-teaching methods and materials documents for UChicago Economics department ▪ Faculty Advisor: Undergraduate Women in Economics RSO ▪ Grader: Undergraduate Economics Placement Exam ▪ Feedback: Mock Presentation of UChicago Fed Challenge Team ▪ Feedback: MAPSS MA Thesis proposal presentations ▪ Interviewer, on-campus: Economics Lecturer, Rank 3 (4 candidates) ▪ Judge: Oeconomica Metrics Game (cancelled) ▪ Letters of Recommendation, (13 students, some with multiple letters) ▪ Mentor: Professional Development Lunch for Female PhD Students, Post Docs, Senior Research Associates and Faculty▪ Organizer: Created and implemented a method for all department TA and Grader hiring ▪ Preceptor-Advisor: ECON MA students (4 advisees) ▪ Presenter: Fall Family Weekend: Model Class “Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain”▪ Post-address colloquium: AIMS of Education ▪ Reviewer: MAPSS-Econ applications (23 applicants) ▪ Thesis 2nd Reader: MAPSS Econ MA Thesis (5 papers) ▪ Training: How to use Gradescope for online assignments
2018-2019: ▪ Examiner: Undergraduate Economics Placement Exam ▪ Feedback: Mock Presentation of UChicago Fed Challenge Team ▪ Feedback: MAPSS MA Thesis proposal presentations ▪ Interviewer, first round: Lecturer Recruitment (Economics Dept.) ▪ Interviewer, on-campus round: Lecturer Recruitment (Economics Dept.) ▪ Judge: Oeconomica Metrics Game (first round) ▪ Letters of Recommendation, (3 students, some with multiple letters) ▪ Organizer: Summer Teaching Schedule ▪ Preceptor-Advisor: ECON MA students (6 advisees) ▪ Reviewer: MAPSS-Econ applications (36 applicants) ▪ Thesis 2nd Reader: MAPSS Econ MA Thesis (5 papers)
Trinity University (selected service)
2012-2018: ▪ Founder and Organizer of Trinity University Junior Faculty Research Workshop ▪ Junior Faculty Recruitment (Economics Dept.) ▪ University Lecturers & Visiting Scholars Committee ▪ Department Representative for various events